Thursday, March 13, 2008

i'm here in case anyone reads this.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

not all who wander are lost

not all who are lost wander (look for them)

been thinking about tattoos again. want to get some permanent mistakes. ink someone elses words on me.

Without music, life would be a mistake. - Friedrich Nietzsche

why am i so obsessed with one-liners?

hallelujah running through my head. love is not a victory march, it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah. perfect.

tell me all about your tragedies. tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me.

i told someone the meaning of life once. we sat by a bus and it was dark. it's always dark in stories like this. i sat and i explained him to himself. i laid out the universe and what every writer ever said. i asked him what he thought of me now, now that i knew everything, and now that he did too. he looked my way and told me i hadn't said a word all night, and wether i was ok with that peculiar smile on my face (the one that's lopsided and never means what its supposed too).

to tell you the truth (yeah right) i've always thought jack skelington was a jackass. never saw the appeal of sally either.

i have never ever been what i was supposed to be. not any way you look at it. are you looking?

somebody tell the girl it's not the end of the world.

Monday, January 21, 2008

leave the sermons to the preacher, and the preaching to the choir

not sure what i'm trying to say
i've been lying to myself again, all night.
nothing is coming out right, i keep wondering (about what, about what)
thinking i am the fakest person i know.
i cant be the same person for more then a minute but i never fucking change.
cant seem to make my eyes stay closed, just want some sleep.
there are people exactly like me. exactly thought for thought, word for word.
i am a unique snowflake just like you.
hate myself and everything about me but i'm still better then you (who)

i want to be the girl you write your heartbreak songs about
i want to be the girl that keeps you up at night
cause love aint love till your breaking someones heart.
i just want to go home, find a home (second star to the right)
i 'll go straight on till morning, straight on till theres nothing left of what i wasn't
i'm a little curious as to who the villian in this story is
if i wasn't me id be my own worst enemy
oh wait-too late
oh wait-too late
like repeating myself because i dont have anything interesting to say
its all been said before and said so much better
id like to go back to year zero, and fuck people up before anyone else got the chance too
id write all your favorite books.
thats how my mind works, not thinking about building the wheel or lighting a fire
just words words words

i've been trying so hard to get someone to listen
i might have forgotten what i was trying to say
there are whole worlds in corners and back alleys
we have our own rules (no rules, no rules)
flip off the highway patrol
and scream like you'll never see the blacktop again.
(chicago breaks her boys and spits them out)
lets see how bad we can fuck up telephone
he said she said he said she said he said
if we're keeping score im winning
"keep me away from the inside of your head"
too late- warning came way too late.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

truest words you'll ever hear, are whispered behind your back

heavy limbs, gritty eyes
fights ending in ties
wrists that are too frail for what you have in mind
break through soul, break through skin
break through all the walls i've built

they'll catch you, they'll catch you
you've caught my eye
i've been you, i've been you
too caught in the lie
hush now, hush now, you'll be alright

ignore the warning signs
so you could fake suprise
practise that shoked look in your eyes

Monday, January 14, 2008

addicted to words

stop in the middle of sentences
and half formed ideas
flush your philosophies through the pipes
dont mind me,
i'm just not living up to my potential

want to see if i can pull you down with me
being happy is great, but its never been my way
if you're going to the top
better be ready to get some dirt on those knees

silky silicone skin
and everything you ever stood for
lets see if you'll even remember tonight
too drugged up on everything going wrong in the world
to see the things going right (see me, see me)
too many lightbulbs going off in your eye

fourth place in everything we do
fighting over peel off scars
we're getting sick in gas station bathrooms
and sorting through other peoples papers
we're everything they warned us not to be
not good enough to be a modern day bonnie and clyde

can't even close your closet door
because of all the skeletons spilling out
the only people who understand a word i write
are as fucked as me

i've got something to say
for every occasion you throw at me
i drove on the wrong side of the road
and ended up no worse for wear

not making any sense at all

I'm taking bribes from nowhere boys
born on a wednsday and it shows in every line of my face

trust the lies that keep you up at night
take that gin and tonic as absolution
we wait for exhales and run through raindrops
and its never as good as you thought

we're still jokes and states apart
dogeared roads on the map
wooden towns filled with burning girls
and engines ready to roar
hey princes, passed the test yet?

girls like you should come with a warning label
pen to paper i'll tear you apart
hun, i stopped listening three miles ago
same scars mean more then same blood

we scream songs at the top of our lungs
and fall asleep in backseats
chords in reverse, seatblets forgotten
finding corners in crowded rooms
like nothing better then to tear myslef down

playgrounds in the dark are only good for nowhere girls
writing words in the sand so they wont ever go away
best friends for as long as the night lasts
goodbye notes on tree trunks mean so much more than initials
owls that hang themsleves by the light of the moon

she's been reinsated as dont matter
number one threat to no one at all
blowing apart inside our own heads
this generation exploded but no one heard a thing

we take secrets and weave them into sand
games of i never and bright eyes
we fit cant you see
and all that ever mattered was what strangers thought
they know me best
i see whispers in your eyes
quick now, photographs steal your soul

gossip lips are the best to kiss
i dont believe a word i say
everything about me is a lot like veryone else
i am the only thing i never wanted to be