Monday, January 21, 2008

leave the sermons to the preacher, and the preaching to the choir

not sure what i'm trying to say
i've been lying to myself again, all night.
nothing is coming out right, i keep wondering (about what, about what)
thinking i am the fakest person i know.
i cant be the same person for more then a minute but i never fucking change.
cant seem to make my eyes stay closed, just want some sleep.
there are people exactly like me. exactly thought for thought, word for word.
i am a unique snowflake just like you.
hate myself and everything about me but i'm still better then you (who)

i want to be the girl you write your heartbreak songs about
i want to be the girl that keeps you up at night
cause love aint love till your breaking someones heart.
i just want to go home, find a home (second star to the right)
i 'll go straight on till morning, straight on till theres nothing left of what i wasn't
i'm a little curious as to who the villian in this story is
if i wasn't me id be my own worst enemy
oh wait-too late
oh wait-too late
like repeating myself because i dont have anything interesting to say
its all been said before and said so much better
id like to go back to year zero, and fuck people up before anyone else got the chance too
id write all your favorite books.
thats how my mind works, not thinking about building the wheel or lighting a fire
just words words words

i've been trying so hard to get someone to listen
i might have forgotten what i was trying to say
there are whole worlds in corners and back alleys
we have our own rules (no rules, no rules)
flip off the highway patrol
and scream like you'll never see the blacktop again.
(chicago breaks her boys and spits them out)
lets see how bad we can fuck up telephone
he said she said he said she said he said
if we're keeping score im winning
"keep me away from the inside of your head"
too late- warning came way too late.

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